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Top Advertisement Campaigns in the Industry of - Leisure & Travel

Airbnb: "Belong Anywhere"

Cemented Airbnb as a leader in global travel and home-sharing, leading to an explosion of brand loyalty and user growth.

Expedia: "Where You Book Matters"

Reinforced Expedia’s position as a one-stop travel solution, driving increased bookings and user engagement.

Delta Airlines: "Keep Climbing"

Strengthened Delta’s brand as a premium airline, improving customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Marriott: "Travel Brilliantly"

Increased Marriott’s brand recognition globally, promoting luxury stays and boosting bookings.

Tourism Australia: "Come and Say G'Day"

Boosted Australian tourism by engaging travelers worldwide, leading to a significant increase in international visitor numbers.

Hilton Hotels: "Hilton. For the Stay"

Reinforced Hilton’s premium brand image, leading to higher bookings and improved customer trust.

Royal Caribbean: "Come Seek the Royal Caribbean"

Elevated Royal Caribbean’s brand as a premium cruise experience, resulting in higher bookings and brand loyalty. "Booking.yeah"

Cemented as a leading travel booking platform, increasing user engagement and bookings globally.

Coca-Cola: "Open Happiness" (Travel Edition)

Strengthened Coca-Cola’s brand as a symbol of joy and relaxation, increasing travel-related campaigns and brand awareness.

Southwest Airlines: "Transfarency"

Reinforced Southwest Airlines’ position as an affordable and customer-friendly airline, leading to increased bookings.

American Express: "Don’t Leave Home Without It"

Boosted American Express’ travel services, driving higher engagement and customer loyalty.

VisitScotland: "Surprise Yourself"

Increased tourism to Scotland, leading to higher visitor engagement and bookings.

Virgin Holidays: "The World is Your Oyster"

Positioned Virgin Holidays as the go-to brand for adventurous travelers, leading to higher brand loyalty and bookings.

Skyscanner: "The Travel Search Engine"

Cemented Skyscanner’s image as a leading travel search engine, boosting website traffic and brand recognition.

United Airlines: "Fly the Friendly Skies"

Strengthened United’s position as a premium airline, resulting in a rise in bookings and customer loyalty.

TUI: "Discover Your Smile"

Increased TUI’s brand recognition as a family-friendly travel brand, boosting bookings and customer engagement.

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