Women's Equality Party - See it.Say it. Ignore it. Campaign
Targeting - The general public, particularly those concerned with gender equality, women's rights, and social justice. Additionally, the campaign aims to influence policymakers and authorities responsible for addressing the issues raised in the Casey Review.
Core Theme of the Campaign -
The campaign's interesting take lies in its strategic use of a familiar slogan to draw attention to a critical issue. By appropriating the slogan, it transforms a routine message into a rallying cry against misogyny, making it a compelling and thought-provoking campaign.
About the
Campaign -
The Women's Equality Party's "See it. Say it. Ignore it." campaign is a powerful response to evidence of institutional racism, misogyny, and homophobia within the Metropolitan Police, as revealed in the Casey Review. The campaign calls for a statutory inquiry into misogyny in all police forces and advocates for a comprehensive overhaul of policing.
Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -
The standout feature of the campaign is its subversion of the well-known "See it. Say it. Sorted" slogan, turning it into a poignant message condemning misogyny within the police. It serves as a direct and impactful commentary on the need for urgent change in the treatment of women.
A Look at the Campaign
- Responding to the Casey Review, the Women's Equality Party launches "See it. Say it. Ignore it."
- The campaign targets misogyny within the Metropolitan Police, calling for a thorough inquiry.
- It subverts a well-known slogan to create a strong and direct message against institutional misogyny.
- The campaign advocates for a complete overhaul of policing practices and attitudes toward women.
- It serves as a poignant commentary on the need for urgent and systemic change.
- The target audience encompasses individuals advocating for gender equality and social justice.
- Through its impactful messaging, the campaign aims to influence public opinion and policymakers.
- "See it. Say it. Ignore it." stands as a powerful call for addressing and eradicating misogyny within law enforcement.