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Newcastle Brown Ale's "If We Made It" Campaign

Targeting - Fans of Newcastle Brown Ale

Core Theme of the Campaign -

Demonstrates that unconventional marketing can be memorable.

About the

A humorous, satirical campaign about a fictitious Super Bowl ad.

Formula applied by the Campaign to elicit customer action -

Challenges traditional advertising by poking fun at it.

Business Title

A Look at
the Campaign

Newcastle Brown Ale's "If We Made It" campaign was a clever and unconventional marketing campaign that garnered a lot of attention and praise when it was launched in 2014. The campaign was a tongue-in-cheek, satirical take on what a Super Bowl ad for Newcastle Brown Ale might look like if they had the budget to actually make one. Here's an explanation of the campaign:

1. The Premise: The central premise of the "If We Made It" campaign was that Newcastle Brown Ale did not have the massive budget required to produce a traditional Super Bowl commercial. Instead of trying to compete with big-budget ads from major brands, Newcastle decided to create a humorous, self-aware campaign that poked fun at the advertising industry and its extravagant Super Bowl ads.

2. Satirical Approach: The campaign used satire and humor to make a point about the excesses and clichés often associated with Super Bowl commercials. It highlighted the absurdity of the advertising world by showcasing various over-the-top ideas that were supposedly part of their "dream" Super Bowl ad. This included celebrity endorsements, elaborate special effects, and even a ridiculous plot involving Anna Kendrick.

3. Online Content: While Newcastle Brown Ale didn't actually buy a Super Bowl ad slot, they created a series of online videos and content around the campaign. These videos featured humorous discussions about the "ad that could have been" and were shared on social media platforms.

4. Crowdsourcing Ideas: As part of the campaign, Newcastle Brown Ale invited fans and the public to submit their own ideas for what the dream Super Bowl ad could have been. This engaged the audience and encouraged them to participate in the brand's playful satire.

5. Social Media Engagement: The campaign leveraged social media extensively, using platforms like Twitter to engage with fans and create buzz around the campaign. They also encouraged users to share their own "If We Made It" ideas.

6. Result: The "If We Made It" campaign was successful in generating a significant amount of buzz and media coverage, despite not actually airing during the Super Bowl. It showcased Newcastle Brown Ale's brand personality as unconventional and irreverent.

7. Effect on Perception: The campaign had a positive impact on how people perceived Newcastle Brown Ale. It positioned the brand as refreshingly honest and down-to-earth, contrasting it with the often extravagant and insincere nature of Super Bowl advertising.

In summary, Newcastle Brown Ale's "If We Made It" campaign was a clever and satirical marketing strategy that used humor and self-awareness to draw attention to the brand. By taking a different and unconventional approach to advertising, the campaign successfully engaged its audience, generated buzz, and reinforced the brand's image as a straightforward and authentic choice in the world of beer.

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An exhaustive analysis we have garnered elucidating the following 3 studies -

A. The comprehensive breakdown & precise elements that led to the campaign’s success

B. Intricate details behind the campaign to ensure you don't miss any valuable insights we've uncovered

C. Components required to execute a similar campaign or a campaign of equivalent magnitude at your scale
This shall be alongside an extensive compendium of these insights for more than 1600 additional successful campaigns. 
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